SOLOMON ISLANDS the wilderness lodge  8° 47´S ° 14´E


On the path to Mt Mariu


mountain biking


With over km of old logging trails around the flanks of Gatokae's volcanic peak and the network of bush paths and coastal footpaths, one helluva challenge awaits the really adventurous mountainbiker.


Be prepared to carry your bike up some really rugged paths (or "roads" as they're referred to in Pijin), across jungle streams and even in and out of dugout canoes.


A handheld GPS is a really good idea if you decide to go bush as this is very rugged and remote country covered with thick rainforest - you can lose your bearings quickly. No problems carrying bikes on the inter-island flight.



You'll need to carry plenty of water to replace what the humidity takes out and be prepared for rain but hey, it's warm rain! The jungle scenery is incredible as are the occasional views of the ocean and Marovo Lagoon's + coral islands.


Kicking back at the lodge gazing over the lagoon after a day's riding in this country, well, it's hard to beat.


Bulo Island path