the deep blue




Waiting for the monsters of the deep at Charapae Point - pic courtesy James



Gideon, the human tilo, with a trophy Spaniard from Malemale Point, 5 minutes from the Lodge.



Ultra-clarity at Bulo



Pete with a lovely coral trout - taste as good as they look. Pic courtesy Yvonne.



hawksbill turtle - a very common sight here. Pic courtesy James


solid Chevron barracuda from legendary Begho Point.



the Lodge - swim-im, swim-out access. Pic courtesy James


traditional Friday spearing session from Begho Point and Kicha Island


the unsurpassed coulours of Biula


Peava local diver Ivan at Bulo. Pic courtesy James.


Pre-dive story at Kicha, Gatokae in background and Bulo Island at right. Pic courtesy James.


getting lost in the endless swim-throughs at Bulo. Pic courtesy Simon


Gideon, spaniard from Minjanga




nice, heavy GT......diving without a float......almost lost the Rabitech.




Happy chappy.....also without a float





Hunting coral trout on the wall at Sera Ngirasa. Pic courtesy Jase.





Morning prep. Pic courtesy James




Bulo - the coral and rainforest swim throughs. Pic courtesy James.




Bulo - the coral and rainforest swim throughs. Pic courtesy James.




out the swim-through. Pic courtesy James.




Yvonne's trophy small-tooth jobfish. Pic courtesy Pete.




Master spearfishermen Gideon and Steward





Mixed reef fish from traditional Friday spearing session





hardcore bluewater baitball action - yellowfin, bonito, etc and lots of sharks.





bluewater baitball - bailed so tight the whole school packs tight against your body as you swim through.





Baitball signposts, the frigate birds, working hard at Kicha Island.





Captain John with nice green jobfish from Matikai. Absolute suckers for berley these guys......





One of our many big serranids - no escape for the baitfish from this mouth.....





mucking around at Charapae




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